As Friday's
Mayan Apocalypse draws closer, the nut cases are multiplying like the proverbial loaves and fishes. Russia and Ukraine are the clear gold medalists of
Looney Tunes behavior—where prices for candles rival that of caviar. Also being hoarded in Mother Russia are torches, matches, thermoses, and kerosene lamps. (HINT: Check
eBay Moscow for some great deals on torches come Saturday morning). Shamefully, in our own country, automaker Chevrolet (whose parent company is now bilking US taxpayers out of at least $13 billion for their failed bail-out) aired an apocalypse-themed TV spot at the Super Bowl last February (see pic). In any event, when you wake up on Saturday, raise your coffee cup in a salute to some of the dumbest of our fellow humans. They deserve the scorn.